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Who is Vision4Women

Vision4 Women was founded in 2011. Our vision is to inspire and empower women and girls to reach their full potential, lead meaningful lives, become leaders and change makers regardless of their background circumstances.

Our mission is to encourage women to grow, take charge and excel everywhere and maximise their God-given potential.

We also want to showcase local talent and skill thereby creating a platform for women to network. Vision4 Women will hosts various networking functions such as conferences, workshops, and retreats.

Who is Vision4 Women
Girsl Mentorship Program

In 2012 Vision4 Women launched a mentorship program for high school girls which is also known as “Vision4 Girls”

Vision4 Girls is a mentorship program designed to support high school girls in achieving their personal and academic goals. The program matches each mentee with a female mentor who can provide guidance, encouragement, and support throughout the school year. Here is our Girls Mentorship program page to VISIT...

Girls Mentorship Programme
Past Events

We believe in high impact interventions that will inspire and ignite greatness to the women we serve. For this reason Vision4 Women has embarked in a number of interventions resulting into events of many kinds. We have held workshops, camps, gala events, awards, graduations, networking sessions and many other events in the name of women empowerment. Here are some of the events held in the past years we've been in service.

Past Vision4 Events
Facebook Page
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